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The Acorn Gatherer by Margaret Mew Southampton 2
Baltimore Album from Andover Fabrics Yellow Buds
Fernshaw Charles Yellow by Max & Louise
French Indiennes Yellow Dutch Heritage by Antique Textiles Company
Dargate Jellies by Margo Krager Yellow Bud Vines & Leaves
Tape Measure by Timeworn Toolbox Designs Vine
Dargate Treasury by Margo Krager Gold
Clotted Creams & Caramels by Di Ford Hall Vine
Old Sturbridge by Judie Rothermel Gold Dots
19th Century Sparklers Sideboard Yellow by Pam Buda
Yellow Flower Stripe Dutch Heritage by Antique Textiles Company
Mary Anns Gift by Betsy Chutchian Butter VIne
Margo's Mignonettes Bronze Flower
Around the Roses by Marsha McCloskey Butter Vine
Autumn Spice by Stacy West Berry Branches Gold
Autumn Spice by Stacy West Floral Bud Trellis Gold
Bumble Bee Basic Asterik Yellow
Nana's Flower Garden by Max and Louise Yellow Beatrice
Tried & True by Bread & Butter
Circa 1825 by Sharon Yenter & Jason Yenter Gold
Eliza's Indigo by Betsy Chutchian Leaf Jessamine
Margo's Mignonettes Gold Texture
Special Scraps by Sheryl Johnson Yellow Square
Autumn Spice by Stacy West Tossed Sprigs Dk Gold